Waste management and environmental care

In order to carry out our construction activity and at the same time significantly reduce the impact on the environment, at 4housing we developed a waste management protocol that meets environmental legal requirements. Below we share information about waste treatment and management at our Florencio Varela plant.

The objective of the protocol, developed especially for our company, is to define a methodology to follow to manage waste safely and in accordance with current regulations, management being understood as the entire operating circuit from generation, classification, primary disposal, transportation and disposal final, as well as the management circuit related to monitoring and all associated legal records.

In this way, the protocol begins within the plant with the process of “Primary Disposal” and simultaneously with the production work. For this reason, it is essential that each area has the appropriate groups of containers (containers, drums and cisterns, among others) duly identified with the waste stream, painted according to the defined color and strategically located at the waste generation points.

So, all personnel participate in the waste classification process, separating the waste in the corresponding container, which once collected will be sent to the appropriate operator to continue with their respective treatment in the final disposal stage.

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