At 4housing we take care of each other

Since the World Health Organization has alerted about the advancement of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the Ministry of Health has issued various measures to prevent mass contagion, at 4housing we decided to act responsibly immediately to preserve the health of the team and collaborate with the effort of the whole society to stop this disease.

In this way, we take the following preventive measures:

  • We give informative talks to the staff so that we all know the symptoms of COVID-19, how to respond to it, forms of contagion and risk groups. Furthermore, we placed particular emphasis on the different forms of prevention: frequent hand washing, social distancing, constant disinfection of objects and ventilation of spaces, among others.
  • We also reinforce the availability of the necessary supplies for the correct hygiene of hands and surfaces.
  • We also implement the work from home system to continue with our administrative, commercial and personalized attention to the needs of our clients, so prioritizing the care of our health and respect for the ordinances of the national authorities.

Finally, we want to invite our colleagues, suppliers, clients and collaborators to become aware of the situation and act with the responsibility that circumstances warrant. Today we have the opportunity to help with small actions to stop the spread of the disease in our country. For this reason, we fully adhere to the recommendations of the authorities working from our home, reinforcing hygiene measures and taking care of risk groups. Our health is in our hands. Do you add your grain of sand?

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